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music association of central texas

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Madstone Band
Temple, Texas

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KCD Band
Cameron, Texas

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Jonna Mae
Waco, Texas

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Jon Holt and the Soundwaves
Temple, Texas

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Charlie Weyler
Rockdale, Texas

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Jerialice Arsenault
Mason County, Texas

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Retro Rose Band
Waco, Texas

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Another Band Of Gypsies
Waco, Texas

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Dirty Echoes
Waco, Texas

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Dueling Hearts
Waco, Texas

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Stumblin' Jaxon
Waco, Texas

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Towne Adams
Waco, Texas

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Valles Flying Machine
Waco, Texas

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Big J Stokes
Waco, Texas

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Richard Paul Thomas
Salado, Texas

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MACT is a nonprofit organization which provides regular meetings, events, and fundraising to recognize and develop talent, discuss and resolve relevant issues, and provides networking opportunities for all interested and/or involved in live music performance in the Central Texas area."

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