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music association of central texas

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Exciting new benefit for MACT Members!
MACT is working with Venues to give you discounts to the places you frequent. 
There will be a special MACT sticker near the entrance of these locations saying 
"Member Discounts Inside". 
If it doesn't say it, it means there are no discounts for members. You will be asked to show your membership
on your phone or print your card from the site and put in your wallet. 
The Mint in Killeen is offering a 10% discount on dinner to ALL MACT members. 
O'Brien's Irish Pub in Temple is offering a 10% discount on dinner. 
Texas Music Cafe if offering a 10% on all event tickets at the door

Welcome to Music Association of Central Texas!

Welcome and thank you for visiting ~

MACT is proud to offer the highest quality, most unique live music experience in Central Texas.  From our music family to yours, we put lots of talent, and heart and soul into all performances.  We hope you enjoy our work as much as we enjoy bringing it to you!

Upcoming events

Member Forum inside - we want to know all about you and what you want from your Music Association of Central Texas.  Please login, check it out and leave a comment.


MACT provides music opportunites throughout Central Texas, an Annual Award Event recognizing Central Texas musicians, a place to showcase your music, and networking with other musicians. 

Featured member

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MACT is a nonprofit organization which provides regular meetings, events, and fundraising to recognize and develop talent, discuss and resolve relevant issues, and provides networking opportunities for all interested and/or involved in live music performance in the Central Texas area."Music Association of Central Texas is proud to provide assistance to the many fine musicians and artists of Central Texas.

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